Our services include everything form nail trimming and ear cleaning to bathing, dipping, brushing, and clipping. Tattooing and microchipping of pets for permanent identifications is also available.
We feed a quality meat based diet to our guests, served in stainless steel dishes. Plenty of fresh, clean water is always available. Pets on special diets may bring their own food, but the boarding rates remain the same (food needs to be bagged in individual feeding portions). We are happy to give our visitor their familiar belongings (washable please) with the understanding that like our own equipment, accident can happen to them. We can not be responsible if they are soiled, lost or destroyed.
Special accommodations for puppies or Geriatric guests can be arranges. For our feline guest, each crate has a comfortable living area, a litter pan that is changed daily, and a blanket to sleep on. Our cattery is completely separate from our dog area and is maintained with the same quality care employed for our canine friends.
To maintain the health of our guests we require proof of current immunizations (vaccines must be current for age of cat or dog). Required immunizations are rabies, distemper, and parvo virus for dogs; and F-leukemia, rabies and distemper for cats. Bordatella for dogs is recommended. Any inoculations update should be completed 2 weeks prior to boarding . If your pet is taking medication, please provide written instructions for its use. There is an additional charge for monitoring pets with special needs.
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